IMHO all of our unhappiness comes from our inability to understand how things work and how the world works.
It's written all over that bloke face.
Via that bloke Tone of your voice.
Via that bloke Body language and kinetic.
That bloke can try to hide his feelings, but he forgot that his eyes speak.
Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what that bloke thinks into it.
Characterize by that bloke actions and we will never be fooled by his words.
It is manifested in that bloke speech pattern in a very interesting way.
Just by the way that bloke speaks and acts we are able to pick up on the social cues and emotional intelligence that give us certain impressions about him.
If we want to know that bloke mind, listen to his words. If you want to know his heart, watch his actions.
That bloke actions will tell us everything we need to know.
An action denotes everything that can be observed, either with bare eyes or measured by physiological sensors.
It is manifested in that bloke speech pattern in a very interesting ways and his actions will tell us everything we need to know about him.
Nonverbal messages are more powerful than the actual words we speak. We’ve all heard, “It’s not so much what is said, but how that bloke says it.” Ask yourself if his body language matches the message he wants to share. Pay attention to his facial expression, hand gestures, and eye contact.
We can observe a lot by just watching.
Let's be more realistic.
An expert in any field will have an advantage over a mug person. But neither the expert nor the mug person can be sure of when or where his next winner will come from. But the expert will just have a better guess and advantage. Unless of course you happen to be in the right place at the right time and the right genuine people you associate with.